Captain Handsome
It as all started when i first had her in my grasp, she of course being nobody. Big Web a.k.a. "Pirate Pants" is a major figure in my life. This too is an attestment to the shame. Have you read "Dancing With Cats"? I have. Where does slither snake slither? And who the fuck IS Scampy Powers? Talents Wasted. All of them. All of us.
About Me
- Name: Captain Handsome
- Location: Corona Del Mar, California, United States
Captain Handsome has had several failures blogging and 2 good posts. Mostly just a bunch of pictures, stories as I see them (usually..rambling ....with a lot of assides and no real point), some updates on my boys spread around the Country here, some fashion from Karl, Drinks from Ryan, Phish/Panic tour updates from El Jeffe, pointed political analyses and a lot less.....
- Stanton and Orchard LES Info
- Pirate Pant's Page
- 338 Key Holders Union
- Joes Pasta Garage, Tim's Place Upstate
Previous Posts
- Ronnie, Charlie, Keith, Mick and Handsome
- Cyber Herpes
- For Those of You From Craigslist
- A Break From Handsome
- Happy New Years Friends: Lets End The Year with a ...
- The Rise and Fall of Self Esteem
- Ha Ha Ha, Get this Gordo
- The Lame Santa List: Not Handsome
- Handsome Santa: The Five funny Santa Pics I ould f...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
cuh-lassic. personally, i think white folks should get together and do this more often
If I saw those badasses on the street, I'd cross to the other side. Even if the other side is full of street trannies. No reason getting mixed up with that. Not only do they surely have a shiv less than two moves away, but are probably division one wrestlers too. Those white boys have crossed over.
Looks like fun. Nice style all around. I wish I could break the rules with yall. Is this a counter-action to a blizzard? Nothing like a storm to make dudes bust their heads in.
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