Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hey Gordo: Powers Misses You

Remember the ligher hookup in the room. Me, gordo, scampy, and pirate pants had this great contraption. Gordo said we should attach a bunch rubbberband strings and put alighter on the end and hang it from my ceiling so we would never lose it. What an idea. We did it an had a hanging lighter in my room so we could hit a bowl form anywhere in the room and have a lighter. There was also hada lighter game where we would hit it like teather ball. That was such good times. Trash an 1/8th and sit around hittin the ole lighter. Any how, Scampy Powers wants to say hi....

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhah name that; rif joe. that was poweres. he is talking about my next post. it is joe hill relevent


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good times indeed. A great year of growth, and simultaneous regression. Not a regret in sight. A great year highlighted by a porch collapsing disaster, and the rush of cosmic bowling. I had forgotten all about the tether-lighter, but I do recall a lot and often. That kid even looks like me--brown eyes though.

Thanks for the shout, Powers. What's in your cd changer this week? "Jimmy Page. Electric Guitar. Guitar."

I have decided Robert Plant, was the most replacable, , and the biggest mistake, of any lead singer. With Page breaking out hot-licks like he did, even Scott Stapp would of had a lesser negative impact on Led Zeppelin. My case: I heard a Communication Breakdown, from maybe mid-seventies. Must've been during Bob Marley's surge, because the band breaks the song down into a real nice reggae groove. As quickly as I smiled, I dropped my head. Plant immediatly ruins the jam by queer-scatting jibberish about Blackjack Johnny, a reggae song he knows only the title of. You could even hear Page's frustration with Plant as he began to echo the scats with piercing notes. This leads to Plant finally backing off with a flakey "Ok, Ok", but it was too late. They couldn't quite get it back, and just crashed their way to the end of the song and set. Plant rambles a bit more about taking a break and going to listen to some Bob Marley and the Wailers. Very unfortunate.

My point is that removing Plant, early on, would have been addition by subtraction. Certainly less queer. All the rocking comes from Page, Jones and Bonham, and luckily they brought enough to overcome Plant. There is nothing clownish about the Dragonman, but Plant just needed a red nose.

Merry Christmas and keep rocking just like Jimmy Page did: in spite of disaster.

Sun Dec 18, 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up Gordo!!! Go to hear from you sir. I hope all is going well with you. I'm guessing that riff is from physical grafiti!! I remember that blaring durring one of the greater days of summer at southview 1053. I beleive that is was filled with music and mischiff!! Bowls all around. I remember that picture of Page that Powers had in his room. Page messed up beyond recognition....imagine that!!

Mon Dec 19, 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to remember a bouncy ball going along with the Bungi-lighter!! Blinds, cd's, pictures, speaker all falling around us when the ball came out. It always started off slow and easy untill one over hand hit at someones head!! Then it all went downhill from there. CH would imidiately take the ball out of the room from fear of more distruction of personal property. Then the debate of rules of the room and what would need to happen to get the ball back into play!!

Mon Dec 19, 01:02:00 PM  
Blogger Captain Handsome said...

First off, Gordo, I agree fully. Secondly, fuck you josh. I took my ball away because you were breaking my shit. Which of course you did not care about. You never cared about me or my stuff like you did for Powers and his. You love his "Ugliest known picture of Jimmy Page" picture and hate my things and smashed them with bouncy balls. Fuck you dude.

I was jamming out in a self esteem less Sunday at the pit of self loathing (powers apt). We, of course as is powers M.O (modus operendi for you jackasses), were watching the new Led Zep video and mastrubating to Jimmy Page's dragon suit. I couldn't get over how shit gay Mr. Plant was acting. He is always doing this gay hand, massage thing. you know, right hand up, elbow down and fingers flaring like a San Francisco Proctologyst. I couldn't stop noticing it. It killed me. Meanwhile Page is jamming and dancing and acting about as cool as you can............Time for my new music post!

Tue Dec 20, 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pirate pants, the one and only. SLICCCCE doing well here and glad to hear from you. the best hoedowns involved you dude. i forgot all about that Kmart ball. we started that ball knowing it'd bust all in the end. kinda like jenga.

i'd guess In My Time of Dying. big bends and kick drum in that one. What else did we jam? the JB's, Stones, and of course the hippy stuff, but i'm drawing blank from there. whaat?

Tue Dec 20, 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

captain you're right about Plant's hands. My bro got me a DVD last Xmas and Page is brilliant, but Plant is as queer as Freddy Mercury. worse really.

Tue Dec 20, 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CH do you mean to say something to me about Scampi??? "I hate your friendship with him!!!!" - CH summer 1998

Wed Dec 21, 08:49:00 AM  

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