Thursday, December 15, 2005

NYC MTA Strike: Greedy Bastards

As many of my NY readers / friends are already painfully aware't, we are 5 hours and 55 minutes away from a possible MTA strike. This means no subways, busses, and total reliance on yellow cabs. Millions of New Yorkers will be stuck with no way to get around this big ass apple. A total nightmare. I might seem a little bit harsh against the people working in the subway's and busses just trying to make more money, retire earlier, and get better benefits. Well, I was sympathetic. Until I learned that these lazy ass bastards make more money than I do already! Yes that is correct, I make less than those lazy ass Pakistani women who sit in the Subway booths talking on their goddamn cell phones. Shit, they probably make more than most of you reading this (i know my readers, you guy's ain't rich). Read the stats below:
  • Bus Maintenance $68,152.00 year
  • Bus Driver $62,551.00 year
  • Train Conductor $53,959.00 year
  • Station Booth Attndnt. $50,720.00 year
  • Subway Cleaner $45,596.00 year

Can you believe it! These are the "poor" people that just are sooooo under appreciated. I used to feel sorry for them. That's out the window. Now I am gonna make these bastards earn their money. Lets make these bastards earn their money. When I ride the bus, I will take forever getting on then pay in change. Booth Attendants, watch out, cause I am gonna bang on the window till you get off your damn cell and help me. Then I will ask crazy ass questions and curse you out. Maybe even just let the vomit fly infront of your entrance when I am drunk. Cleaners, I will take it a little easier but if that trash can is more than 10 feet away, fuck it. I am gonna bring coffee to the station ever day just to spill it on the platform. So what, I am bitter. I won't always make less than you bastards. I can get a promotion. Enjoy your lives in the rat infested holes that you work in. Kiss my ass MTA. And don't think Uncle Sam doesn't support me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good form Captain, and fuck you Union lazies, go take your 30 years down the road mediocre pention and shove it up you fucking prideless asses! Im with Uncle Sam on this one for the first time in a long time get back to work before they send a squad of skinny Gautamalans up there to work for tamales and salsa...

Sat Dec 17, 09:30:00 PM  

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