Cyber Herpes
So I have decided that my computer does not just have any run of the mill virus. I am proud to say that my computer has contracted Cyber Herpes. My trusty laptop, Arleen, must have met up with one of those flashy new hipster computers. There he was showing off all his gigs and shit, what was Arleen to do. I give her credit, she wasn't just sitting around my desk flashing some lame ass screen saver. She was out there. She was having fun, roaming the net, uploading, downloading, connecting, all the stuff these sweet little laptops are doing these days. And along comes the "8-Bit" of hipster computers with all his gigs, ram and multiple 2.0 USB ports. Arleen could not take it. The pull of "8-bit's" game was too strong. They connected. He transmitted. So here I am with my whore of a computer who keeps crashing, pop up'ing, locking, and doing some transmitting of herself. She went out, had a great time, and now I have to pay the price. What is a father to do. Damn Kids. Well, Arleen, I hope it was worth it. You know you can't ever get rid of those Cuber Herpes, Arleen. Well, thats my theory atleast. Hey, here is a picture that shows what state I was in last night when I came home at 3:30am and then again 3 hours later when I got up for work: